Dari Kegelapan kepada Terang: Teologi Konseling Pastoral dalam Menghadapi Spiritual Scotoma
Spiritual Scotoma, Pastoral Counselling, Theological Reflection, Spiritual Healing, Community SupportAbstract
This research aims to explore the theological approach to pastoral counseling in dealing with spiritual Scotoma, a condition where personal experience difficulty in feeling or understanding the presence of God. Using literature study methods, this research analyzes theological, psychological, and pastoral counseling literature to identify effective techniques for helping personal overcome spiritual blindness. Techniques such as deep reflection, self-assessment, and spiritual direction are integrated to provide holistic support. The results show that this integrative approach restores personal spiritually and strengthens their relationship with God and the church community. This research's theological and practical implications emphasize the importance of training for church leaders and pastoral counselors, as well as active participation in spiritual activities to strengthen congregational faith. This research makes an essential contribution to developing effective pastoral strategies for dealing with spiritual Scotoma and supporting the spiritual growth of congregations.
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