Gagasan Shelly Rambo dalam Membangun Harapan dan Makna bagi Remaja yang Mengalami Depresi
Theology of wounds, trauma, pastoral counselling, youth, Shelly RamboAbstract
This research explores the application of Shelly Rambo's ideas in pastoral counseling for adolescents experiencing depression, highlighting the principles of compassionate presence, empathetic listening, and a focus on the healing process. Rambo's theology of wound and trauma approach helps teens find hope and new meaning through holistic emotional and spiritual support. The main challenge in implementing this idea is the need for special training for counselors and patience in accompanying the long healing process. However, the opportunities presented are significant, strengthening the counselor and client relationship and creating a safe and supportive environment. Integrating these ideas in pastoral counseling can enrich counseling practice with a deep theological perspective, helping youth overcome depression and grow holistically.
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