Possession Amnesia dan Dinamika Roh Kudus dalam Konteks Pelayanan Pentakostal


  • Dewi Jani Affandi STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta
  • Andreas L. Rantetampang STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta
  • Kasten Situmorang STT Bethel Indonesia Jakarta


Possession amnesia, Pentecostal Theology, Pastoral Counselling, DDynamics of the Holy Spirit, Community Support


This research explores the phenomenon of possession amnesia and the dynamics of the Holy Spirit in the context of Pentecostal ministry, using literature study methods to analyze relevant theological, psychological, and anthropological literature. Possession amnesia, recorded in various historical and cultural traditions, is often seen as a sign of an intense and authentic spiritual experience in Pentecostal theology. Pentecostal churches face challenges in distinguishing between authentic spiritual experiences and psychological or pathological phenomena, as well as in providing appropriate support to personalals experiencing possession amnesia. This research identifies effective pastoral strategies, including training for church leaders, community support, and an integrative approach between theology and psychology. The research results show that a holistic and sustainable approach is essential to supporting congregations' spiritual growth and emotional well-being. This research contributes significantly to theological discourse and pastoral practice, strengthening the church's theological and pastoral foundations in dealing with possession amnesia and helping congregations overcome their spiritual challenges.


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How to Cite

Affandi, D. J., Andreas L. Rantetampang, & Kasten Situmorang. (2025). Possession Amnesia dan Dinamika Roh Kudus dalam Konteks Pelayanan Pentakostal. Journal of Theology and Indonesian Christianity, 2(2). Retrieved from https://jurnalpersetia.id/index.php/jic/article/view/17


