Konsep Pemuridan Berdasarkan Teori Bill Hull dan Penerapannya di Gereja JKI Shoot Fellowship
pemuridan; Bill Hull; Gereja JKI Shoot FellowshipAbstract
Seeing the findings and challenges of the times in implementing discipleship in a church, even the neglect of young people to enter into discipleship, the church needs to make an effective strategy to implement appropriate discipleship according to the context in each church. Discipleship is one of the processes that aims to make Christians experience growth in faith, and Christ-like character, and even become disciples who make disciples. This study uses descriptive and analytical-qualitative methods to find differences between Bill Hull's discipleship concept and field findings in the JKI SHOOT Fellowship church. And it was found that there were many similarities, and what distinguished them was that the JKI SHOOT Fellowship church did not carry out the concept of spiritual mentor discipleship and there was no memorization of Bible verses in discipleship at the JKI SHOOT Fellowship church. There are so many discipleship concepts according to experts, but Bill Hull's discipleship concept is a concept that is close to the discipleship concept practiced in the JKI SHOOT Fellowship church. Bill Hull's discipleship model concept is very likely to be applied by churches in conducting discipleship and adapted to the context of the existing church environment.
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